Applying to graduate school can be overwhelming. We are here to help.

A free guide by grad students, for future grad students.

Considering grad school

Your decision to apply shouldn’t be taken lightly. Here are the things you should consider before starting the process and how to figure out where to apply

Applying to grad school

Graduate school applications can be overwhelming. Here we help you strategize so your application stands out.

Deciding where to go

Deciding where to accept is one of the biggest decisions you’ll make. Here are the things you should do before accepting.

Choosing where to apply

There are a lot of universities out there. Here is what and how to look for potential programs, advisors, and labs.

Deconstructing the graduate school application process

Our objectives are to first help you decide if you want to go to graduate school and why, and second to help you succeed in the grad school admissions process in a thoughtful, low-stress, and organized way. Our guide is geared towards MS and PhD degree programs, although there are plenty of useful resources for those looking at other degrees as well.

How to use this guide

GetMeToGrad was made by grad students for future grad students. The site is organized into a few sections to help you: 1. Decide whether grad school is for you, 2. Choose where to apply, 3. Make a great application package, and 4. Decide where to go. Also be sure to check out our stories written by current and past graduate students to get great advice about specific fields of study and institutions! Are you a current grad student? Check out the ways you can give back to the community on our contribute page!

Not sure where to start?