Get Me To Grad — Graduate School Admissions Guide

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How to Leverage Study Abroad Experience

Studying abroad can be a valuable experience for many reasons, including personal growth, cultural immersion, and language proficiency. But did you know that your study abroad experience can also be leveraged when applying to graduate school? In this article, we will explore ways in which you can use your study abroad experience to make yourself a more attractive candidate to graduate schools. Consider including the following in your statement of purpose when you discuss your study abroad experience

First, studying abroad demonstrates independence and adaptability. Graduate programs are looking for students who are self-motivated, able to navigate unfamiliar situations, and able to work well in diverse environments. Studying abroad shows that you possess these qualities and can handle the challenges of graduate school.

Second, studying abroad can demonstrate your ability to think critically and globally. Many graduate programs are looking for students who have a broad perspective and can think critically about complex issues. Studying abroad can provide you with a unique perspective on different cultures and ways of life, which can make you a valuable asset to graduate programs that are looking for students with a global mindset.

Third, studying abroad can demonstrate your language proficiency. Many graduate programs require students to have a high level of language proficiency, especially in language-intensive fields such as international relations, translation, and foreign language education. If you studied abroad in a non-English speaking country and were able to communicate effectively, this experience can demonstrate your language proficiency and make you a more attractive candidate to graduate programs.

Fourth, studying abroad can demonstrate your interest in a specific field or region. If you studied abroad in a country or region that is related to your field of interest, this experience can demonstrate your commitment to that field and make you a more attractive candidate to graduate programs in that area of study.

Finally, it's a good idea to include your study abroad experience in your personal statement, resume, and other application materials. Be sure to include specific examples of how your experience abroad has helped you develop skills and perspectives that will be valuable in graduate school.

In conclusion, studying abroad can be a valuable experience for many reasons, including personal growth, cultural immersion, and language proficiency. It can also be leveraged when applying to graduate school by demonstrating independence and adaptability, your ability to think critically and globally, language proficiency, interest in a specific field or region, and highlighting it in your personal statement, resume and other application materials. Leveraging your study abroad experience can make you a more attractive candidate to graduate programs and give you an edge over other applicants.